
Housing Market

Housing Market

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Beat Expectations

The housing market continues to beat expectations along with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac who are doing exceptionally well in 2013 with increasing home purchases.

JPMorgan Cuts Jobs Needed to Handle Troubled Mortgages

Although employment is one of the major factors in the housing market recovery, workers at JPMorgan may be losing their jobs due to the better economy.

FHA May Need Multi-Billion Dollar Bailout

Is America ready for a $16 billion dollar bailout? The Federal Housing Administration, provider of FHA loans such as Streamline loans, may need one shortly.

Foreclosure Rate Hits New Low for the Month of January

A good sign of the recovery to the housing market, foreclosure rates have hit an all time low. Reaching the lowest it has been in 6 years.

Obama’s Mortgage Refinancing Proposal Remains in Limbo

President Obama outlined a number of key proposals in his recent State of the Union Address including a mortgage refinancing bill that proponents argue will help millions of homeowners save more money each year.


Standard and Poor’s Accused of Defrauding Investors

Although ratings are merely opinions, when they come from a reputable source they are taken as representations of value and should be taken very seriously.

Average 30 Year Mortgage Rate Reaches Four Month High

Could all time low mortgage rates be coming to an end in 2013? Analyst state 30 year mortgage rates could climb by second quarter and higher by years end.

European Real Estate Market Shows Strong Signs of Growth

Housing markets around the world seem to be doing better in general with the European housing market seeing the worst of its troubles behind them.